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What Kind of Equipment Is Needed To Paint Your House

What Kind of Equipment Is Needed To Paint Your House

The bucket and a paint brush or paint rollers are no doubt the most important things for a painting job but you just can’t start painting your home with only these. You need a lot more equipment than that and also a fair bit of planning before you start.
If you forgot, remember that you need a ladder because you just can’t stand on a chair and paint the roof. Make sure that you get a good and sturdy ladder that will withstand your weight as well as the weight of a bucket filled with paint. Your shopping list just does not end there.  You also need:
  • Buckets for mixing paints and washing brushes afterwards.
  • Brushes of different sizes depending upon the areas you are painting. You may also need a zero—size brush for touching up faults in corners.
  • A paint roller; even if you are using a brush. Paint rollers are used for hiding telltale signs of brush strokes and giving the final finish side by side as you brush on.
  • Masking tapes. This is one of the items that even professionals sometimes forget. These are used for protecting the other areas from messing up.
You must also check whether some surfaces are better if you use a sprayer instead of brushes and rollers.
No matter how good a painter you are, make sure that you cover the furniture and flooring because you are bound to splash a lot of paint around. You may also need to use protective gear like a hat, gloves and a face mask.

Where to Buy Painting Equipment in South Africa

There are many other things that you will need including scrapers and sand paper to smoothen rough surfaces. Warrior Paints offers painting equipment and all types of paints in South Africa. You can also check painting guides at the  Warrior Paints website for various techniques that you can use for painting your home.

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